I have no idea why I keep on taking breaks with my blogging! Sorry for that guys! But I do think it's better to only write when I want to - no point in forcing out a load of posts when my heart isn't in it! Hopefully I'll be able to write more posts over the summer. Who is loving this lovely hot weather we are getting? Fingers crossed it will last!
On to the review! How absolutely gorgeous is this LUSH bath bomb? I took this photos months ago, if you're a lush fanatic you'll have already realised this gorgeous bath bomb was released for valentines day only. Very appropriate for the occasion don't you think? It's just so beautiful! I love the pink and white heart shaped bomb with rose buds embedded into it. When you drop this into the bath, it just fizzes away and the rose buds float along side you in the bath - I felt like it was a very romantic gesture to myself getting this bath bomb :P
This bath bomb is scented so wonderfully, floral and rosey of course! I loved the colour of the water too. It turned a sweet shade of baby pink. If you're a fan of bubbles, this bomb isn't for you unfortunately as my bomb rendered no bubbles! A slight disappointment but a small price to pay for this romantic treat.
What's your favourite LUSH product?
Leah, x
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